Say Goodbye To Stains: A Guide To Removing Stains From Anything

Red stain on white shirt being removed via cleaning supplies
Stains can sneak into our lives at the most inconvenient of times, from unexpectedly spilling your morning coffee on your shirt to dropping a glass of wine on your blouse; stains can turn a good day into a frustrating one.  
In this guide, we delve into the best stain removal techniques for various stains and effective strategies to ensure your clothing stays vibrant and spotless. 

Golden Rules of Stain Removal

Stain removal can be tricky, and different stains require different treatments. However, as a rule of thumb, some general golden rules can be applied to improve your chances of removing stains effectively. 
It is important to remember that these guidelines may only work for some types of stain, and you should test in a separate area of the fabric first.

Golden Rules:

1. Act quickly 

The sooner you address a stain, the better your chances of successful removal. Fresh stains are easier to remove than older ones as the stain hasn’t had the chance to settle into the fabric. 

2. Blot, Don’t Rub

When dealing with a liquid stain like wine or coffee, blot it gently with a clean cloth or paper towel. You should avoid rubbing as it can spread the stain and damage the fabric’s fibres. 

3. Make sure you read the care labels. 

Before cleaning a stain, check the care label on the fabric for specific instructions on cleaning and stain removal. It is always recommended to follow manufacturer instructions. 

4. Identify the stain 

Different stains require different treatments, so you must correctly identify the stain you are dealing with to choose the appropriate cleaning method. 

5. Follow a top-down approach.

Start treating stains from the outer edges and work towards the centre, as this helps prevent stains from spreading.

6. Use white cloths or towels. 

When blotting or applying cleaning solutions, use a white cloth to avoid the risk of colour transfer from the fabric to the stained area.

7. Check for residue

After removing stains, check for residue left behind by cleaning products. Ensure you rinse or blot the area to remove any remaining cleaning solution.

Stressed young businessman with coffee stains on his shirt in office

Effective Stain rEMOVAL tECHNIQUES

Before you try removing a stain, it’s essential to understand what kind of stain it is to choose the best way to remove it.

How to remove coffee stains

Dealing with coffee and tea stains requires a cautious approach because of the dark pigments they contain. The challenge is to stop these pigments from becoming stubborn and setting into the fabric. Start by gently blotting the stain with a clean cloth to soak up excess liquid, avoiding rubbing in to prevent spreading. You can use a homemade solution using one part white vinegar and two parts water to remove the stain, or you can use a specific coffee stain remover.  

How to remove wine stains 

Wine stains are known for being hard to remove and ruining clothes, but effective stain removal can be handled with the right steps. When a spill happens, sprinkle salt on the stain quickly to absorb excess liquid and prevent the wine pigments from settling. After a short time, rinse the stained area with cold water. Then, you can use Prochem Red Rx or a mix of hydrogen peroxide and dish soap to treat the stain. Then, rinse the treated area once more with cold water. 

How to remove grease from clothes

Grease and oil stains can be a tough challenge, and overcoming these stubborn marks requires specialised cleaning from either a homemade cornstarch solution or a prochem solvall spotter. Before applying a cleaning solution, gently dab the affected area with a cloth to soak up as much grease and oil as possible. 

How to remove ink from clothes

Ink stains, whether caused by a pen accident or printer malfunction, can present challenges with removal due to ink pigments. Start by placing a paper towel or cloth under the stained area to prevent the ink from spreading. Then, gently dab the stain with rubbing alcohol using a cloth to break down the ink pigments. Keep blotting until the ink is lifted, and rinse thoroughly with cold water. Alternatively, you can use Prochem Solvex.

How to remove blood stains 

Dealing with blood stains requires immediate attention and a careful approach to prevent lasting damage to your clothes. Acting quickly by rinsing the stained area with cold running water is important to prevent the blood from settling. You should avoid hot water as it can cause blood proteins to coagulate, making the stain harder to remove. We recommend you use Prochem Stain Pro to treat the stain. 

How to remove sweat stains 

After intense physical activity, sweat stains are common yet embarrassing. To ensure your clothing remains fresh and stain-free, promptly address the sweat stain by rinsing the stained area under cold water to remove salt and minerals in sweat. For added stain removal, we recommend you use Prochem Solvall Spotter.

person wearing purple gloves, cleaning a stain on white shirt over a red washing bowl

Delicate Fabrics - Stain Removal techniques

Delicate fabrics such as silk, wool and linen require specialised cleaning, and when they have stains, they need to be carefully addressed, as some fabrics can be more susceptible to damage from friction. 

To remove stains from cotton, make sure you pre-treat with stain remover, and once the stain is removed, use a washing machine to prevent colour fading and enhance stain removal. Once washed, opt for air drying to prevent shrinking after stain removal. 

We recommend you hand wash the affected area with cold water and treatment to remove stains from the silks. Then, like cotton, lay out the silk garments flat to air dry, then use an iron on low heat to remove wrinkles, ensuring a cloth is placed between the iron and the silk to prevent direct contact. 

For wool, similar to cotton and silk, opt for professional dry cleaning or hand washing in cold water and air drying to minimise wrinkling. It’s important to note you should store wool garments away from direct sunlight to prevent fading, which can weaken the fibres. 

Then, to remove stains from the denim, opt for spot cleaning to preserve the colour and fit. Turning denim items inside out is recommended to protect the fabric and enhance stain removal during washing. 

dark red stain on blue shirt

Preventative measures to keep stains at bay

Preventing stains is essential to maintaining the condition of your furniture and clothing. Implementing proactive measures can reduce the risk of staining and ruining fabrics. 
Applying fabric protectors, practising mindful eating and drinking, utilising layering techniques like aprons, and regularly inspecting clothing can contribute to a cleaner and stain-resistant wardrobe. 
By incorporating these preventative measures into your routine, you can enjoy worry-free moments without the threat of stubborn stains. 

Remove stains like a pro

Mastering stain removal and fabric maintenance transforms how you interact with your wardrobe. With the knowledge of effective techniques and preventative measures, you can confidently say goodbye to stains.


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