How To Clean Your Walls

Person wearing gloves cleaning wall with cloth and cleaner

Keeping your walls clean isn’t just about appearances; it’s also about creating a healthier living environment. Clean walls improve indoor air quality by reducing allergens and dust particles. In today’s blog, we’ll delve into the basics of wall cleaning, exploring techniques and tips to help you maintain pristine walls that enhance the beauty and health of your space.

In today’s blog, we’ll explore the ins and outs of wall cleaning, providing you with the best tips and techniques for cleaning walls. 

Understanding types of wall surfaces

Walls come in various forms, each with unique challenges when it comes to cleaning. Whether your wall surface is painted, wallpapered or textured, understanding each surface type is crucial for effective cleaning 

Painted walls 

The most common in households and businesses, cleaning painted walls requires gentle methods to avoid damaging the paint. You can identify if you have a painted wall as it will have a smooth surface.

Painted wall in kitchen dining room

Textured walls 

Cleaning textured walls, such as brick and stone, can become more difficult because of the uneven surface and rough texture. To remove dirt and debris effectively whilst avoiding damaging the wall, use a soft brush or vacuum with a brush attachment to remove loose dirt and wipe gently with a damp cloth or sponge.

textured wall

Wallpapered walls 

Wallpaper brings texture and pattern to a room; however, it does require careful maintenance to keep it looking clean, as excessive moisture or harsh chemicals can cause wallpaper to peel or discolour. 

For washable wallpaper, using a mild surface cleaner and a microfibre cloth to wipe the wall gently is recommended. On the other hand, non-washable wallpaper may require dry-cleaning methods using a wallpaper brush or eraser.

If you’re unsure if you have wallpapered walls, inspect the wall surface for patterns or seams where the wallpaper meets. 

wallpaper wall

Wall Cleaning Supplies

Before diving into the task of cleaning your walls, it’s essential to equip yourself with the right tools and supplies. A well-stocked wall cleaning kit should include the following items:

  • An all-purpose cleaner ( choose a cleaner suitable for wall cleaning; ideally, they should be pH-neutral )
  • Microfibre cloth / Sponges ( to lift dirt and grime from walls whilst being gentle on the surface ) 
  • Bucket ( for mixing cleaning solutions & water ) 
  • Soft-bristled brush (helpful for reaching high spots or large areas )
  • Duster ( to remove cobwebs ) 
  • Rubber gloves ( to protect your hands from harsh chemicals ) 
  • Wall repair kit (in case you notice any holes or scratches ) 
Wall cleaning supplies organised infront of textured wall

Preparing for wall cleaning

Before you start cleaning your walls, it’s a good idea to check them first. You should examine the wall surface you want to clean for stains, marks and accumulated dirt. By doing this, you can organise how to clean each area effectively with the techniques in this blog. 

You should ensure you prioritise safety as well. Ensure you have access to a sturdy ladder or step stool in case you need to reach high spots and remember to wear rubber gloves and safety goggles or face shield to protect yourself. Protect floors and furniture from splashes or drips by covering them with cloths or plastic sheets.

Step-by-step wall cleaning process

Now, here’s a breakdown of the best way to clean your walls, step by step: 

1. Dust and cobweb removal

Dust tends to accumulate in corners and on ceilings over time, as well as cobwebs. Use a soft brush, vacuum with brush attachments or duster to remove the dust and cobwebs gently. 

2. Spot-cleaning walls

Over time, walls can accumulate various stains and marks, such as food splatters, fingerprints, water stains or even your kid’s drawings. Identify these stains and treat them individually; remember to bear in mind what type of wall you are dealing with and use specialised cleaning techniques. 

3. Wash the wall

After removing stains, wash the entire wall surface using a diluted solution of mild detergent or all-purpose cleaner. To get rid of the dirt and grime on your walls, it’s recommended to use a soft sponge or cloth and gently scrub the walls in sections, making sure to cover every inch from top to bottom.

4. Rinse and dry

After washing the walls, thoroughly rinse them with clean water to eliminate any lingering cleaning solution and residues. Use a separate sponge or cloth dampened with clean water for this task. Once rinsed, dry the walls with a clean cloth or towel to prevent water streaks and potential damage. Pay particular attention to thorough drying, especially in moisture-prone areas.

When it comes to technique, remember to use gentle strokes to minimise the risk of scratching or damaging the walls. Avoid excessive moisture, especially on porous surfaces like wallpaper or textured walls, as it can lead to peeling or damage. Using the right cleaning tools and methods to keep your home clean without damaging your walls is essential. This will help you maintain the strength and stability of your walls while achieving a spotless living space.

person wearing yellow gloves using a yellow cloth to clean walls

When to seek professional help

While cleaning walls can often be done as DIY, there are some instances where professional help may be needed. If you encounter stubborn stains that won’t budge or are concerned about damaging delicate wall surfaces, consult a professional wall cleaner. Additionally, if you are dealing with mould growth on your walls or haven’t been able to get rid of the mould in your home, it’s essential to address this promptly to prevent health hazards. 

Keep you dirty walls clean

In conclusion, keeping your walls clean is essential for maintaining a beautiful and healthy environment. Following the tips in this guide, you ensure your walls look good and stay free from dirt and grime. 

Whether it’s your home or workplace, clean walls show you care about cleanliness and take pride in your surroundings. Make regular wall maintenance a habit, and enjoy the benefits of a fresh and welcoming living or working space, aswell as mental health benefits through the power of a clean home.

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